The Transition from North to South

Learn about the ups, downs, good, and bad of a UNC out-of-state freshman and her experience so far.


Through my main infographic “Worlds Collide” I provide you with a brief phrase that explains Misha’s transition to the South. I, her roommate, being originally from here, growing up in North Carolina all my life, have been able to share many differing perspectives compared to her northern viewpoints. This has helped us become better people, along with better roommates for one another. We teach each other what we don’t know, helping us adapt and evolve together.

With that, our worlds have quite literally collided into one, merging her up north tendencies with my southern ideals. Mix these personalities and experiences together and you meet us!

Misha & Maddie -> New Jersey x North Carolina

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This image was documented when I went to visit Misha in New Jersey this past summer. We had committed to room with each other in April, and had met once at orientation in June. Now, fast forward to today and here we are! One could say we hit the roommate jackpot.


Below, you have the finalized interview that this website is dedicated to.

Through this video, I arranged multiple questions off camera that allowed me to get Misha’s opinions on a variety of aspects regarding on campus living, her emotions about the move down south, and overall how she is adjusting as an out-of-state student living at UNC.

YouTube Video Example

Misha reflects on her journey to UNC, thinking back to her initial expectations before coming to North Carolina. She’s shared her thoughts on the admissions process, the excitement of starting at such a renowned school, and how she anticipated the challenges of adapting to a new environment.

After settling in, she’s speaks on her experiences within her social life, where she’s made meaningful connections, and developed new routines. Looking ahead, she hopes her time in Chapel Hill will bring personal growth, lasting friendships, and valuable academic and life experiences that will shape her future.

"Overall, yeah, so far I would say I’m happy with my decision choosing UNC. I think out of all my options, it was the best school that had like everything I was looking for and I’m sure that as I continue to spend more time here and as my like four years goes on here, I’m sure I’ll love it more."

Misha Patel; 1:48-2:04